RISE PT is a bespoke world—class holistic physical therapy and training program, normally only available to professional athletes. The program is tailored to your unique goals, guiding and empowering you to realize your highest potential strength, range of motion, endurance, health, confidence, and mind—body balance. We have a solution for you whether you need pre or post—op care, want to optimize your health or set your new personal best. Rise up!

I'm passionate about holistic health (including pre/post surgery rehabilitation, injury prevention addressing all individual imbalances, and realizing full potential balance, fitness, strength, and flexibility) from a life of Athletics, Martial Arts, Yoga, Meditation, Breath—Work, and as a Doctor of Physical Therapy. Traditional physical therapy practices are bound by medicare billing guidelines and focus primarily on treating the area of pain. My aim is to work beyond those guidelines and look at the body as a whole. I bilaterally examine both a bottom up platform patho physiologic and sensory input approach as well as a top down neural nerve to innervation.

Each client receives a full assessment, where I look at overall strength (hypotrophy and hypertrophy), range of motion (hypomobility & hypermobility), balance (body & mind) and neural motor programming (pattern of gate vs. sport specific movement pattern). During this assessment we understand what has led to any current issues and what we need to focus on specifically to heal and continue on to realize your potential strength, flexibility, endurance, and speed. I incorporate a combination of physical therapy techniques, specialized exercises such as blood flow restriction training, and an array of mind—body practices into my routine to support your overall well—being.

  • • Doctor of Physical Therapy from CUNY Hunter Magna Cum Laude.

    • Liberal Studies from SUNY Purchase magna cum laude.

    • 500 hour registered yoga instructor from Yogaworks Soho.

    • IPA Taming Pain, IPA Core First Strategies, and Professor Lorimer Moseley’s The Pain Revolution.

    • McKenzie Institute USA Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy, The Lumbar Spine.

    • BFR Certificate (blood flow restriction).

  • • Mt Sinai Hospital TICU, SICU, & MICU.

    • NY Presbyterian Hospital acute rehabilitation.

    • Professional Physical Therapy Chelsea NY outpatient PT.

    • The Brooklyn Hospital Center ICU, SICU, PACU, Orthopedic Pre & Post Op Surgery.

    • Research Assistant to Dr. Karpatkin, awarded 1st place CSM 2021 degenerative disease.

    • Yoga Instructor — YogaWorks Soho, NYC

  • “One—on—One” training sessions are designed to compliment your: schedule, needs and goals wherever you are in the world.

  • Maybe it’s old fashioned, but nothing compares to private sessions, whether you have a home gym, a membership, or you wish to meet at mine. Availability is limited to guarantee the best results.

  • Sometimes it’s all about the journey and not the destination ➝ Health. Sessions can be both online, private or a mix of both and up to 3 times a week. It’s up to you.

I first approached Sean to help rehab a nagging hamstring injury, because of his knowledge and compassion when training clients. Sean taught me the importance of using a holistic approach (strength training, mobility, etc) to become the best runner I can be -helping me reach an 18+ minute PB in the marathon and 3 minute PB in the half marathon. Most importantly, he is always willing to lend his insight and encouragement to support the people he works with. Working with Sean is an investment in future you!

After years of pain I got a bilateral hip replacement in March 2023. The day following the surgery I was completely incapacitated, floating in an ocean of negativity and facing ten more days in the hospital. But in walked Sean and suddenly I had a lighthouse.  More than just a physical therapist, Sean was my cheerleader and guardian angel.

Visiting me during his breaks to provide encouragement, setting goals and giving me the tools to achieve them. With Sean’s gentle but firm guidance and a set of exercise protocols I became the first and only bilateral hip replacement patient at Brooklyn Hospital to bypass acute rehab and go straight home after three days. 

They say if you give a man a fish he eats for a day but if you give him a fishing pole he eats for life. Thanks to Sean I am back to my beloved Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and a full active outdoor life.

(Robey is a Jiu Jitsu Black Belt)

I reached out to Sean initially to deal with an annoying case of plantar faciatis and persistent issues related to overuse injuries. Sean has not only helped me deal with these nagging issues, but has also taught me how to work out properly and more efficiently with correct form to avoid injuries in the first place. I cannot recommend Sean highly enough and will continue to pursue my fitness goals with him as my north star. Thanks Sean for teaching me I don't need to live with pain to stay in shape.

I am immensely grateful for the exceptional care provided by Sean during my recovery from hip replacement surgery. From the initial assessment through each subsequent session, Sean demonstrated an extraordinary blend of skill, compassion, and dedication.

His expertise in physical therapy techniques was evident as he tailored exercises that significantly improved my mobility and reduced my pain. Sean’s approach was not only professional but also encouraging and supportive. He always took the time to explain each part of the treatment process, helping me understand how my recovery was progressing and what to expect next.

Thanks to his guidance, I have regained much of my independence and am walking much better than I had hoped at this stage of my recovery. I would wholeheartedly recommend Sean to anyone in need of a skilled physical therapist. His care has truly made a difference in my life, and I am deeply thankful for his support.

As a former elite tennis athlete in college, I was constantly reminded that age is not just a number. I had recurring injuries in both my shoulder and elbow. I was referred to Sean through a friend and I will never look back. He not only treated my issues but taught me what to do so they don’t reoccur. Now we are working on building me up stronger than ever. I feel steady improvements with each appointment. It takes an athlete to know how to help one and with Sean you are in good hands.

Working with Sean was an absolute game—changer for me. I first came to him with a runner’s knee injury and then a couple months later with a torn rotator cuff and I was immediately impressed by him. Not only is he incredibly knowledgeable, but he’s also truly passionate about his work, taking the time to listen to my concerns, thoroughly assess my injuries and develop personalized treatment plans. Throughout my healing journey, Sean provided unwavering support, encouragement, and motivation. His positive and always entertaining conversation, upbeat attitude and dedication to my recovery inspired me to push through even on the toughest days.

What sets Sean apart is his holistic approach to healing and pain management. He didn't just focus on alleviating my symptoms; he addressed the root cause of my pain and empowered me with the tools and exercises to maintain my progress long—term. I cannot recommend Sean enough. If you're seeking compassionate care, expertise, and real results, look no further. Trust me, you'll be glad you did.